Dear friends,

Welcome to 2021, and to the Rising Clyde #12! As usual, be sure to subscribe to our joint Coalition Calendar to stay up to date on our events, check out this edition’s music video for a short glimpse into the future climate negotiations, and check out our amazing youtube videos, with new content from our global gathering last November!

Also, a public service announcement: Take to the streets on the Global Day of Action on 6th November 2021 – as not everyone can come to Glasgow this November, we will mobilise across the world in every country and continent, as well as in every town and city in the UK. Spread the word and start organising now.

From The Ground Up: Take Action Now / 27-28 March 2021

Last November, 8000 of us gathered to educate each other and strategise together on Climate Justice. From 27-28 March 2021, we will hold our second Global Gathering for Climate Justice. Join us for From the Ground Up #2: Take Action Now, to move our thinking towards how we can collectively tackle the multiple crises we are facing.

Our Call for Contributions is still open  until 15 February for our allies from the Global South. Submit a session here.

The COP26 Coalition is all of us – please lend us your capacity and time to work together. Whether you’re a tech wizard, a facilitator, or can help us spread the word, we need all hands on deck. Join our crew here. 

Get involved!

Last week, our political strategy working group held a discussion meeting discussing Net-Zero and what to do about it. If you missed it, read the notes here, and be sure to come to our next political strategy meeting on levers and intel this Tuesday at 6pm.

If you’re interested in helping the coalition out on our website, socials and newsletters, please come to our Comms Working Group on Wednesday, 3pm!

Even with Covid-19 uncertainty, Glasgow will remain a centrepiece of our mobilisations. Come to our Glasgow Local Working Group Meeting on Wednesday, at 5pm, to discuss how we can make the most of it from now to November!

And in the week after, our Trade Union Caucus will reconvene on Tuesday, 16 February at 7pm, while our next Mobilisations meeting, focusing on our strategy of escalation towards COP26, meets on the day after, on Wednesday, 17 February at 6:30pm.

News and Resources 

And lastly: Solidarity with British Gas Workers! Thousands of GMB members at British Gas are taking action over the company’s strategy to fire them all and rehire them on worse terms and conditions. Read our Solidarity Statement here, and donate to our Solidarity Fundraiser to support the strike!