Welcome to our first COP26 Coalition Newsletter! With a busy 18 months ahead, our aim is to update you every so often on what is happening across the Coalition, what big things are coming up next, and what else is happening around COP26. 

We want this newsletter to be primarily for the Coalition by Coalition members, so if you have interesting things to share, use this form to submit news, but also links, videos and articles important to the Coalition, and we will include a selection in the next newsletter. Keep in mind that we are still using Slack for event announcements etc. and that this newsletter will be available for the public!

News from across the Coalition

After organising assemblies in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London since September 2019, we have moved to fully online meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with full Coalition Assemblies every 5-6 weeks and most working groups meeting every 2-3 weeks via conference call.

Since June, we have our two coordinators in place, Camille (London) and Quan (Glasgow), who will support the Coalition going forward. They are working under guidance from the Coalition’s Coordinating Committee which has now been set up.

The Political Strategy Working Group has been doing some homework! They’ve been researching historical climate justice demands and have compiled a list here which we are using as a reference in determining our own strategy and demands around COP26.

They have also written a Coalition statement on COVID-19, explaining how the COVID crisis has highlighted existing social and ecological injustices, and that any response going forward needs to put those most vulnerable first to be truly transformative, and are planning a COP26 speaker series, where we will share knowledge about the history, process, and flaws of the UNFCCC negotiations in interactive webinars. You can find the first session here, which will be on the basics of UN Climate negotiations – sign up!

Our communications work has advanced and we now have a lovely logo and visual branding for the Coalition as well as some social media profiles – be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook – TikTok and Instagram coming soon! We are also developing a brand new website where, amongst many other incredible resources, visitors will be able to find and sign up for this newsletter!

Lastly, all the working groups are coming together to plan an online People’s Summit this November, when the COP would have been.

Get involved!

Are you an influencer and have way too many followers? Do you want to be involved in building a website (no technical expertise required)? The comms working group is looking for people to help out with all of these things and more – contact Nathan if you’d like to get involved!

Do you like money? Do you know how to write grant applications, or know somebody who does? The fundraising working group needs your help! We need to raise heaps more money for mobilisations and to support allies from the frontlines of the climate struggle to have their voices heard. Contact Camille and Quan!

If you’re more into figuring out things on the ground in Glasgow, give Nick from the Logistics working group a shout – we need people to get involved in securing venues, organising transport, food and accommodation. Without logistics, nothing will happen, so get involved!


News, Links, and Resources

And last, but not least: If you’ve not been to Glasgow before, and want to get to know the city and the venue of the UNFCCC negotiations, watch this excellent video that really captures the city’s spirit.